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Codes System


The codes system allows admins to create custom codes that execute specific commands when entered by a player.

Available Commands

  • !addcode [code] [command]
    Admin only
    Adds a custom code that associates a unique identifier ([code]) with a command ([command]). Players can then execute this command by entering the code using !code [code].

    !addcode greet /say Hello, welcome to the server!
    This will create a code greet, and when a player types !code greet, the server will say "Hello, welcome to the server!".

  • !deletecode [code]
    Admin only
    Deletes an existing custom code.

    !deletecode greet
    This removes the code greet from the system.

  • !listcodes
    Admin only
    Lists all available custom codes and their associated commands.


    Available Codes:
    - Code: greet
    - Command: /say Hello, welcome to the server!
  • !code [code]
    Executes the command associated with the custom code.
    If the code exists, the corresponding command is executed.

    !code greet
    This will run the /say Hello, welcome to the server! command if greet is a valid code.